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G50 Chairman Moisés Naím

Las convulsiones de América Latina: tres mitos

These myths remain: First, that the region has rejected leftist politics and veered to the right. (Not true.) Second, that populism is over. (Wrong.) And third, that Latin America is finally battling corruption. (Only partially true.)  

El País June 13, 2016

Regalar dinero: ¿Idea inevitable?

Today, through a referendum, the Swiss will decide if the government will give them about 2,500 euros per month.  

El País June 5, 2016

Guerra al Carbono

How do we solve climate change? José María Figueres, former president of Costa Rica, talks about this enormous challenge with Moisés Naím. 

Efecto Naím Nov. 16, 2015

Thomas Piketty

Moisés Naím talks to Thomas Piketty about inequality, richness, capitalism and other subjects that this renowned French economist discusses in his book "Capital in the 21st Century".

Efecto Naím Feb. 22, 2016

Pionera de la Colaboración

Robin Chase, founder of Zipcar, the biggest shared-car company in the world. This succesful businesswoman believes that society is moving towards an economy based on collaboration and informal work. 

Efecto Naím Nov. 30, 2015

Old Diseases Made New

How globalization exacerbated the wildly different problems of Zika, ISIS, and Donald Trump.

The Atlantic April, 25, 2016